Coffee for Cause?

All of us have been to seminars, forums, round tables, conclaves, summits… by now we know that one of the major failings of such events is that many participants talk in generalities – while some talk about their vision without the implementation ideas, some talk animatedly about an issue and then quickly forget all about it. You also meet those acclaimed professionals who love to criticize even if they do not have anything useful to contribute. 

Coffee for Cause is to ensure the continuity of conversations among development-focused professionals who move the causes industry. The event has been conceptualized keeping in mind the ‘value-addition moments’ – all of them clubbed together in one bouquet:

  • A little talk while exchanging business cards and shaking hands
  • When you stand up to ask your question – and all eyes and ears are focused at you
  • The time when you are on stage and making a point
  • The relaxed talk that you have while sipping coffee or eating lunch
  • The time when you are engaged in listening to something that makes sense to you
  • When you feel it was worth being there

Coffee for Cause brings together a cross-section of ‘responsible’ champions from various cause verticals for informal talks over coffee, to seriously discuss causes that matter. It is to know, converse with, and exchange ideas with people whose areas of work revolve around ‘causes’. This is a regular forum that enables conversations that go on, to build relationships, and to give a boost to scattered efforts that are for one cause or the other.

For non-profit programme-implementation agencies

You sit in the ‘hot seat’ before CSR leaders, engage with them in a 20-minute conversation – they question, you answer; or you question, they answer – to present your programme.

And if you are not in the hot seat, you join the audience and question both the agency and the CSR leaders in the open house – yes, you may use this ‘open-house moment’ to make your elevator pitch too. Else, observe the to-and-fro of the conversation, which will make for a learning experience all its own.

For CSR decision makers

You will be evaluating an implementation agency whose fundamental due diligence is done and one who has gone through an orientation workshop with CauseBecause. Ask all the questions that you ask before taking an NGO on-board; let everybody in the audience know what it takes to become your CSR implementation partner .

Still not sure why you should reserve your cup here? Call us anytime and we’ll introduce you to your value-addition moment waiting to happen at Coffee for Cause.